Resources to help you ?>

Resources to help you

Here are some additional resources: 


Ladies Issues (Bras):
A good bra can really make the difference between feeling confident and feeling conscious.

NuLifeMedical – US based company.  I have spoken to the owner directly.  See my blog post with specific reviews and recommendations.

The Bra Clinic – U.K based site is recommended by PIP-UK:
Custom Made Knit Gloves:
Looking for a pair of gloves that actually “fit like a glove?”  Michelle Strehl can help!!  Head on over the Mitts that Fit and see what she can do for you!


Medical Based Sites
(keep in mind, much of the information on each of the following sites is the same.  But my desires is to provide a thorough list of resources for you to sort through as you desire)

Genetics Home Reference – this site provides more medical based information about Poland Syndrome
Wiki – Wiki write up on Poland Syndrome
OMIM – Medical journal with cases of Poland Syndrome recorded.
National Human Genome Project
MedScape – another medical site, written by physicians
MedicineNet – another site by physicians


Other support groups:
PIP – UK Based Group


3d book cover option 1Surviving to Thriving: Finding Hope and Meaning Amidst Affliction 81 pages, written for all audiences. A first-hand account of growing up and living with Poland Syndrome.  It will help those with Poland Syndrome to know they are not alone. It will help parents to be informed so that they can make the best decisions for your child.  It will help friends and family understand some of what a person with P.S. experiences.  It will help everyone to gain a small insight into physical affliction in general.  Available as an ebook and paperback.

Check back frequently for additional resources.  We are in the process of seeking out reliable partners.

Resources to help you ?>

Resources to help you

Here are some additional resources: 


Ladies Issues (Bras):
A good bra can really make the difference between feeling confident and feeling conscious.

NuLifeMedical – US based company.  I have spoken to the owner directly.  See my blog post with specific reviews and recommendations.

The Bra Clinic – U.K based site is recommended by PIP-UK:
Custom Made Knit Gloves:
Looking for a pair of gloves that actually “fit like a glove?”  Michelle Strehl can help!!  Head on over the Mitts that Fit and see what she can do for you!


Medical Based Sites
(keep in mind, much of the information on each of the following sites is the same.  But my desires is to provide a thorough list of resources for you to sort through as you desire)

Genetics Home Reference – this site provides more medical based information about Poland Syndrome
Wiki – Wiki write up on Poland Syndrome
OMIM – Medical journal with cases of Poland Syndrome recorded.
National Human Genome Project
MedScape – another medical site, written by physicians
MedicineNet – another site by physicians


Other support groups:
PIP – UK Based Group


3d book cover option 1Surviving to Thriving: Finding Hope and Meaning Amidst Affliction 81 pages, written for all audiences. A first-hand account of growing up and living with Poland Syndrome.  It will help those with Poland Syndrome to know they are not alone. It will help parents to be informed so that they can make the best decisions for your child.  It will help friends and family understand some of what a person with P.S. experiences.  It will help everyone to gain a small insight into physical affliction in general.  Available as an ebook and paperback.

Check back frequently for additional resources.  We are in the process of seeking out reliable partners.