Would you rather? ?>

Would you rather?

Are you familiar with the idea of “would you rather?”

Would you rather eat snake or monkey brains?

Okay, that one was gross.

Would you rather be a zebra or a giraffe?

You get the idea.

Growing up with Polands I often wondered (not that I had any control over it) would I rather have my right hand affected or my left hand?

Reality is that my right hand is affected.  And with that comes much hesitancy when meeting new people.  American culture says you greet people with “a hearty handshake” when you introduce yourself.  Well ain’t that great, but what if I don’t wanna.

(You can look for my post on 3 types of handshakers — coming soon)

So my right hand is what is effected, and that has caused it’s own strains and stresses.

But what if it was my left hand — well then when I get married it’d be the main event as traditionally the wedding ring is placed on the left hand.  But that wouldn’t be an option for me.  So the very thing that I hate to be noticed would be the very thing highly noticed.  And would my husband keep his ring on his left hand, as is tradition, or would he put it on his right hand to match?

If I had the power to choose right or left hand, then I could pick left hand, and move to one of the countries that traditionally have the wedding ring on the right hand and then both problems are solved at once.

Which hand do you have affected?  Has handshakes or wedding rings been a concern for you?

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Would you rather? ?>

Would you rather?

Are you familiar with the idea of “would you rather?”

Would you rather eat snake or monkey brains?

Okay, that one was gross.

Would you rather be a zebra or a giraffe?

You get the idea.

Growing up with Polands I often wondered (not that I had any control over it) would I rather have my right hand affected or my left hand?

Reality is that my right hand is affected.  And with that comes much hesitancy when meeting new people.  American culture says you greet people with “a hearty handshake” when you introduce yourself.  Well ain’t that great, but what if I don’t wanna.

(You can look for my post on 3 types of handshakers — coming soon)

So my right hand is what is effected, and that has caused it’s own strains and stresses.

But what if it was my left hand — well then when I get married it’d be the main event as traditionally the wedding ring is placed on the left hand.  But that wouldn’t be an option for me.  So the very thing that I hate to be noticed would be the very thing highly noticed.  And would my husband keep his ring on his left hand, as is tradition, or would he put it on his right hand to match?

If I had the power to choose right or left hand, then I could pick left hand, and move to one of the countries that traditionally have the wedding ring on the right hand and then both problems are solved at once.

Which hand do you have affected?  Has handshakes or wedding rings been a concern for you?

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